Media browser Back button not working properly

Issue #185 resolved
Former user created an issue

When in media browser the back button does not go back it is set to selct/ok

Makes navigation of large directories very difficult as you neeed to scroll to top to find ".."to go back.

Reproduction steps

  1. Press media button to browse media
  2. select a directory
  3. press Back and it will select current directory or file rather than go back up a directory

Comments (5)

  1. Ian Brabham
    • removed issue_priority
    • removed issue_issuetype
    • removed issue_reproducability
    • removed issue_status

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The status has been updated, from New to Confirmed.
    • This issue's reproduction steps has been changed
    • The issue type has been updated, from Bug report to Feature request.
    • The priority has been updated, from High to Normal.
  2. Ian Brabham
    • removed issue_priority
    • removed issue_issuetype
    • removed issue_reproducability
    • removed issue_status

    The Back (or Zap) button is actually Preview which is somewhat of a button waste given Next and Prev also support this function. So I support this wish for Back to be "cd .."

  3. Peter Urbanec
    • removed issue_status

    There is an issue with the drivers and KEY_BACK is currently being reported as KEY_NEXT. Once the drivers are updated to report the key correctly, we can look at how it's being mapped.

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The status has been updated, from Confirmed to Delegated.
  4. prl

    Another issue where there is poor help and rather confusingly overloaded button functions.

    In the Movie Player browser, if there is no preview playing, NEXT will preview the current list entry if it is playable, and PREV will change directory to '..'.

    If there is already a preview playing, NEXT will preview the next entry, and PREV will preview the previous entry.

    BACK (KEY_LAST) has no assigned function.

    Perhaps this could be simplified to have PREV & NEXT preview the current entry if there is no preview running, and they could preview the next or previous item if there was a preview already running. BACK could then be used to go up one level in the directory hierarchy (stopping any preview first if one is running).

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