Timeshift Save Recording (Stop after current event) fails when channel changes

Issue #199 resolved
Former user created an issue

I have set - Setup/TV/Timeshift Settings - "Show Warning when Timeshift is stopped" is set to off.

(It is set to off as the messages are a pain popping up even if you think you have stopped timeshift mode and you want to change channels)

If I am watching TV in timeshift mode and want to record the existing buffer and remainder of show I press record and choose. - Timeshift Save Recording (Stop after current event)

This works fine till I change channels and I get the message below. (old external link) The directory is fine and the file exists.

If I have the - Setup/TV/Timeshift Settings - "Show Warning when Timeshift is stopped" set to on, I get a warning asking if I want to continue recording, etc.

reference to attachment error1.jpg ( error1.jpg )

Reproduction steps

  1. Setup/TV/Timeshift Settings - "Show Warning when Timeshift is stopped" set to OFF
  2. Watch a TV channel and allow buffer to build.
  3. Rewind or custom skip back into buffer,
  4. Press Record.
  5. Choose "Timeshift Save Recording (Stop after current event)". This should record from the start of timeshift buffer and stop recording when current show ends.
  6. Change channel and get the following error and recording stops. reference to attachment error1.jpg in this issue

If - Setup/TV/Timeshift Settings - "Show Warning when Timeshift is stopped" set to on then the recoding continues.

Comments (9)

  1. Former user Account Deleted
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  2. Ian Brabham
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  3. Ian Brabham
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    craigh, please attach images and logs directly to the tracker. It is under More Action > Attach a file

  4. Ian Brabham
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  5. Peter Urbanec
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  6. Peter Urbanec
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    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

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  7. Peter Urbanec
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    • This issue has been closed
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