In Graphical EPG, can't page back to before current time on any day

Issue #246 resolved
prl created an issue

If you are viewing the EPG for a day other than the current day, the "page back" key 4 will only page you back to the current time on that day. E.g. if it's 17:00 Friday, and you skip forward using CH+ to Sunday, then scroll forwards to a time after the current time of day (e.g. 22:00 in the EPG for Sunday) by using either RIGHT or forward page 6, and then page back with 4, you can't page back past 17:00, the current time of day.

If you move to earlier than 17:00 on the Sunday EPG, then 4 doesn't do anything at all.

Reproduction steps

Enter the Graphical EPG.

Press CH+ at least once, then scroll (RIGHT) or page (6) the EPG forward in time to later than the current time of day.

Then press 4, and repeat until it stops paging. It will stop at the current time of day, but in the EPG for the day you've paged forward to.

Comments (5)

  1. prl reporter
    • removed issue_category

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The category has been updated, from Operating System / Distribution to Application / User Interface.
  2. Ian Brabham
    • removed issue_resolution
    • removed issue_close
    • removed issue_status

    From Bug #172 "A downside of using this "9" hack to trick the reset day value is the "4", move to previous event page, will not move back beyond the Prime Time of the reset value day."

    This is a more explicit example of that.

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The status has been updated, from New to Rejected.
    • This issue has been closed
    • The resolution has been updated, from Not determined to DUPLICATE.
  3. prl reporter
    • removed issue_resolution
    • removed issue_reopen
    • removed issue_status

    The mentioning of a problem in an aside about a workaround for another bug, even if it's in the same subsystem, does not, in my opinion, constitute a bug report.

    I have been examining the EPG code about this bug and bug 172, and I can pretty confidently say that they are unrelated except in the indirect manner mentioned in 172. Fixing 246 will not fix 172 and fixing 172 will not fix 246.

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The status has been updated, from Rejected to Reopened.
    • This issue has been reopened
    • The resolution has been updated, from DUPLICATE to Not determined.
  4. Peter Urbanec
    • removed issue_resolution
    • removed issue_percent
    • removed issue_close
    • removed issue_status

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The status has been updated, from Reopened to Closed.
    • This issue has been closed
    • This issue's progression has been updated to 100 percent completed.
    • The resolution has been updated, from Not determined to Fixed.
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