"Now" marker line cut off at the bottom in InfoBar EPG

Issue #285 resolved
prl created an issue

The InfoBar EPG uses the same pixmap as the non-PIG graphical EPG, and the "foot" of the line is cut off.

I have a fix for this ready to submit to the repository.

Reproduction steps

Long-EPG, then 6 for the InfoBar EPG. The "now" line has a "T" at the top, but no "foot" at the bottom, unlike the now line in the full-screen graphical EPGs.

Comments (1)

  1. Peter Urbanec
    • removed issue_resolution
    • removed issue_percent
    • removed issue_close
    • removed issue_status

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The status has been updated, from New to Closed.
    • This issue has been closed
    • This issue's progression has been updated to 100 percent completed.
    • The resolution has been updated, from Not determined to Fixed.
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