Incorrect action mapping or contexts for INFO button in some screens.

Issue #328 resolved
prl created an issue

[UpdatePluginMenu] (reached through MENU>Plugins>Software management) When INFO is pressed, the debug log shows "unknown action InfobarEPGActions/InfoPressed! typo in keymap?". The cause is that the INFO button is mapped by two contexts in the self["shortcuts"] NumberActionMap, InfobarEPGActions/InfoPressed [make] and WizardActions/info [break]. The InfobarEPGActions context is otherwise unused in this ActionMap and should be removed. The change will only remove the debug log warning; user interaction will stay the same.

[PluginManager] (reached through MENU>Plugins>Software management>Manage extensions) When INFO is pressed, there is no action, and the debug log shows "unknown action InfobarEPGActions/InfoPressed! typo in keymap?". In this ActionMap, MovieSelectionActions/showEventInfo has been used as the action name for INFO, but without including the MovieSelectionActions context in the ActionMap. Again InfobarEPGActions is in the context list, but none of its keymap entries are used. The mapping WizardActions/info is in the ActionMap and should be used to call self.handleSelected (or another method, see below).

There is a further complication to this. The YELLOW key also invokes self.handleSelected. In the context where the screen displays a list of categories, YELLOW is labelled Update, and in the context where the list is a list of packages, it is labelled View Details. The INFO button invokes the same method, and so will run the Update command from the list of categories view. It should only be active in the list of packages view. This will probably require self.handleSelected to be split into two methods.

[EventViewBase] (used in a number of contexts, but can be reached by EPG, INFO) When INFO is pressed (i.e. EPG, INFO, INFO), the correct action is performed, but there is an "info" entry in the ActionMap that is not mapped by any of the contexts. It should be removed (the behaviour of the screen will be unaffected).

All three screens are lacking an INFO button hint, though [UpdatePluginMenu] has help text on the screen to show when the INFO button is active. Given the context-sensitivs nature of the INFO button in [PluginManager] it should perhaps have the same sort of help. The screens using [EventViewBase] should have an INFO button hint in their skins.

Reproduction steps

[UpdatePluginMenu] From live TV, MENU>Plugins>Software management. The the warning "unknown action InfobarEPGActions/InfoPressed! typo in keymap?" appears in the debug log whenever INFO is pressed in the screen or its subscreens. When the Backup system settings or Advanced options>Select backup files menu entries are highlighted, shows a screen with a list of files to be backed up as intended, but the warning still appears in the debug log.

[PluginManager] From live TV MENU>Plugins>Software management>Manage extensions. When INFO is pressed, there is no action, and the debug log shows "unknown action InfobarEPGActions/InfoPressed! typo in keymap?". As coded, the function of INFO should be the same as the YELLOW button (as labelled in its button hint). See above for further discussion.

[EventViewBase] From live TV, EPG then INFO and then INFO again. A popup menu to select IMDB details or EPG search appears as intended. The bug described does not affect the behaviour of the program, it simply eliminates an inaccessible action map entry.

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