No TEXT button hint in MiniDLNA setup screen

Issue #332 resolved
prl created an issue

In MENU>Setup>Network>Network Services>DLNA Server, then MENU for the DLNA setup screen. The TEXT button is active when Name: is highlighted, but no TEXT icon is shown.

[NetworkMiniDLNASetup] uses its own private implementation to access the virtual keyboard, instead of the virtual keyboard support in ConfigListScreen, which NetworkMiniDLNASetup inherits from.

It should probably be refactored to use the builtin virtual keyboard support, and that will handle the display of the TEXT button hint correctly.

Reproduction steps

Navigate to MENU>Setup>Network>Network Services>DLNA Server from live TV, then press MENU. The Name: configuration element should be highlighted, and the screen has no TEXT button hint. Pressing TEXT displays the virtual keyboard (which is correct behaviour, the missing hint is the bug).

Comments (1)

  1. prl reporter
    • removed issue_resolution
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    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The status has been updated, from New to Closed.
    • This issue has been closed
    • This issue's progression has been updated to 100 percent completed.
    • The resolution has been updated, from Not determined to Fixed.
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