"Jump first press" in Channel selection doesn't allow SMS-style character entry

Issue #338 resolved
prl created an issue

In Channel Selection (UP or DOWN from live TV), pressing the number keys is supposed to allow you to jump to a channel by the first letter in its name (if Channel Selection MENU>Settings...>Jump first press in channel selection is set to Alpha or Number).

However, pressing, say, 2, 2, 2, in quick succession (with Channel Selection MENU>Settings...>Jump first press in channel selection set to Alpha) doesn't do an SMS style search for a service starting with 'c' or 'C' with , it does three searches, first for a service starting with 'a' (or 'A'), then for one starting with 'b' (or 'B') and then one starting with 'c' (or 'C').

This eventually gets you to the right search because each search starts from the head of the list.

However, if the search were to operate as it should, starting at the next entry after the current entry, the multiple searches are likely to end up at the wrong search item (e.g. if the search was wanted for a service starting with 'c' and list had an entry starting with 'a' after the current next entry that starts with 'c'.

Reproduction steps

From live TV, UP or DOWN to Channel Selection, then BLUE Favourites, then select Last Scanned and press OK (there are other bugs in the channel jump code that make it harder to demonstrate this bug if you use a padded bouquet like Terrestrial TV LCN).

Then try a search for ONE, by pressing 6, 6, 6 ('m', 'n', 'o'). The first press will take you to the first entry of the list, if you're not there already, the second press will take you to NITV and the third press will take you to ONE. The search character is not reset unless you enter a different number, so if you press 6, 6 and go to NITV, then move around the list with the direction buttons, the next press of 6, no matter how long has passed since you entered the previous 6 will search for ;o; and take you to ONE.

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