IceTV logo can overlap title text in single-channel EPG

Issue #365 resolved
prl created an issue

In the single-channel EPG, with IceTV enabled, the IceTV logo can overlap the bouquet name/channel name information in the title bar.

This typically happens for me with the Terrestrial TV LCN bouquet and long channel names like Prime 7 Canberra.

The IceTV icon should be moved further to the left, nearer the date/time in the top bar of the screen.

Reproduction steps

For live TV, select the Terrestrial TV LCN bouquet, and a channel with as long a channel name as possible (Fresh Ideas TV has the longest channel name in Sydney).

Then from live TV, long-EPG, then 8 for the "Show EPG for current channel...". There may not be overlap for Fresh Ideas TV, but there definitely is for Prime 7 Canberra.

In Canberra, 7TWO Canberra and 7Mate Canberra also overlap, and One Canberra, WIN Canberra, Gem Canberra and SC10 Canberra are all close to overlapping,

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