T4 Additional default bouquet for HDMI-IN

Issue #401 resolved
Wade Coxon created an issue

I propose that the T4 should have an additional bouquet containing the HDMI-IN service as part of the default firmware installation.

This bouquet/service can be used by the user to set Manual Timers from the "Add Timer" menu.

Without this service/bouquet, the user must first select HDMI-IN input as the active service prior to creating a timer if they wish to record from HDMI-IN.

An additional benefit would be that the user will then have the ability to add HDMI-IN to their favourites bouquet if they require it as part of their regular channel surfing set.

Bouquet could be in the following form:

Filename: userbouquet.inputs.tv

Content: #NAME Inputs (Digital) #SERVICE 8192:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:

Comments (1)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    This proved a little tricky to implement. The issue was that we want the same source and build system to generate images suitable for T2/T3/T4 hardware.

    In the end, the most appropriate place to add HDMI-IN is at the end of the terrestrial LCN renumber and make the addition conditional.

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