[EPGSearch] Hang on selection when Enable multiple bouquets is disabled

Issue #500 resolved
prl created an issue

If MENU>Setup>TV>Channel selection>Enable multiple bouquets is disabled, and EPG Search is used, when the user presses OK to zap to a channel, the UI hangs with a spinner.

The problem is due to the service search code in EPGSearch.zap() not handling Enable multiple bouquets being disabled, and going into an infinite loop.

This is a bug in an enigma2-plugins plugin.

Replication steps

Disable MENU>Setup>TV>Channel selection>Enable multiple bouquets and ensure that the single bouquet is correctly set (from live TV: FAV, BLUE, OK).

Then return to live TV and press YELLOW to search on the current program name, and then press OK to zap to the channel of selected program.

UI hangs with spinner.

Clear the hung system by logging in to its command-line interface and:

init 4
killall -KILL enigma2
init 3

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