New option to restrict event searches

Issue #503 resolved
Wade Coxon created an issue

Referring to this thread:

Propose a new setting "Event search scope" with options "All bouquets", "Current bouquet", and "Current service". With default option being "All bouquets" to replicate current behaviour of the event search feature.

Comments (5)

  1. prl

    I would prefer to have the default as "Current bouquet", and I've raised an issue in the oe-alliance/enigma2-plugins repository asking whether there would be any objection to that default rather than keeping backwards compatibility.

  2. IanSav

    I suspect that "Current bouquet" won't go down well with the Europeans. They have a far more complicated broadcast system with heavy reliance on satellites. Use of lots of bouquets is very common.

    To improve acceptability to the European maintainers I suggest you default to "All bouquets" and provide a local (Australian) hint for users to limit their searches to the "Current bouquet" to eliminate the silly duplicate services that we must endure.

  3. prl

    I know that and that's why I'm not proposing to have the default as "current bouquet" on non-Beyonwiz systems. The discussion on Github has made it clear that on non-Beyonwiz systems, the default should be "all services" for backwards compatibility.

  4. prl

    I've finished the work on this in the OE-Alliance repository. It should be ready for use in the Beyonwiz.

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