Prevent unsupported media file playback

Issue #529 resolved
Wade Coxon created an issue

If a user attempts playback of a media file containing a video encoding format that is unsupported by the Beyonwiz hardware, the PVR will still attempt to play the file. When this occurs, the PVR will display a spinner and become unresponsive to the remote control. The user is typically required to power cycle the PVR or reboot the PVR via command line to recover. This occurs on the T2, T3, and T4, and is of primary concern for files containing HEVC encoded video. HEVC is becoming a common video encoding standard, and many users are encountering this error lately. The PVR should not attempt playback of files containing unsuported encoding formats, and should instead display a popup message stating something along the lines of "Playback of this file type is not supported".

Comments (3)

  1. Wade Coxon reporter

    16.1 appears to have fixed the hang. When playing HEVC media files, the Wiz will now show a still picture, displaying the last frame from whatever service was last being displayed, and will commence playback of the HEVC encoded media file's audio track.

    It would still be beneficial to show a display of some sort to indicate that the video encoding type is unsupported, but this issue can probably be closed as-is since the hang is now fixed.

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