Missing fields, incorrect field data and clumsy formatting in IMDb search plugin

Issue #610 resolved
prl created an issue

In the Details screen in the IMDb plugin, the Genres field is always missing and the Creators, Director, Writer and Country fields only show the first name in the list. The error "No cast list found in the database" is always shown, even when there is a cast list in IMDb.

In the Extra Info screen, some fields contain extra data that shouldn't be included and several list fields (e.g. Plot Keywords, Language and Sound Mix) have extraneous spacing. The User Reviews field is always missing. The screen could also be improved by adding some blank likes, especially after blocks of text like Storyline, Trivia and Goofs.

Where present, accented characters are mangled.

Replication steps

From the EPG, RED IMDb Search on programs and view the results.

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