[skins] Various small text layout bugs

Issue #635 resolved
prl created an issue

MENU>Information,most subscreens

The larger fonts are too large for the available itemheights and descenders are cut off. See, for example, the "y" in the Model heading in MENU>Information>About.

MENU>Setup>Network>Network adapter selection

When there are two adapters to select from, the text in the selection list is too high for the text item and is cut off at the top.

To see this issue, the device must have a USB WiFi dongle connected.

PLUGIN>Software management

The text box in the information panel is too large for the frame and text can overflow the frame.

In easy-skin-aus-hd, this is only visible for the "Install local extensions" item.

In Full-Metal-Wizard it's visible on all item descriptions.

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