Frame Rate is Dog Slow at higher resolutions

Issue #5 resolved
Brendan Howell repo owner created an issue

Currently a new buffer is created for each drawing action. Horribly slow at 640x480. Just use one global buffer and blit at the end. Raster graphics (and everything really) will need to happen in Cairo.

Comments (3)

  1. Brendan Howell reporter

    Fixed #5 this is now well optimized using one cairo context for all operations and blitting once per frame with a direct surfarray operation. I get 60-90 FPS on ol' Ada, my Pentium4. Should be good enough for now. Anything better will have to come from hardware optimization.


  2. Brendan Howell reporter

    Fixed #5 this is now well optimized using one cairo context for all operations and blitting once per frame with a direct surfarray operation. I get 60-90 FPS on ol' Ada, my Pentium4. Should be good enough for now. Anything better will have to come from hardware optimization.

    → <<cset 26ca2e94d00a>>

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