Due date filed throwing error

Issue #23 resolved
Reddy, Maha Lakshmi created an issue

The projects associated with Due date field we are getting error “Error rendering 'over-due-custom-field'. Please contact your Jira administrators.“ Please take it as a priority and do the needful.

Comments (9)

  1. Reddy, Maha Lakshmi reporter

    Hi Labs,

    We are using Jira Software Version 8.13.18 and Due date indicator version 2.0.1.

    When did this issue start occurring? Answer: We got to know from 8/15/2022 For example, did you recently upgrade Jira or the app? My answer is No

    Please check and do the needful. Thank you


  2. Decree Labs

    @Reddy, Maha Lakshmi could you please raise a support ticket at the link provided along with the support zip for your instance. Thank you.

    Could you also confirm if this is occurring on all Jira issues or specific issues?

  3. Dawn Cooper

    Hello I was assisting Lakshmi on our end. This error is for all tickets using the plugin. Submitting a support ticket from the marketplace listing for the app brought us here directly. Please advise how we may differently submit the support request. I will pull the support zip and share it once i know I am working with the correct place for support.

  4. Dawn Cooper

    its all good I just figured it out. we can close both tickets. it was a configuration on the custom field. Can you close the CSP-2 I am not getting logged in for some reason

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