How days due are computed?

Issue #4 resolved
Adolfo Casari created an issue

How are days due computed? When the issue is not resolved nor closed?

Comments (11)

  1. Adolfo Casari reporter

    I think the question is when the plugin stops adding to the overdue days if the due date is in the past, or if it is in the future, when stops substracting.

    I think it should freeze the days due when the issue is Resolved, that way I have a record of the difference (positive or negative). If the resolution goes to Unresolved again, it should restart the counting.

  2. Adolfo Casari reporter

    I downloaded 1.1 and installed it, but the CF is not showing in the screen where I added it. I have Jira 6.1.7

  3. Bhushan Nagaraj repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Unable to replicate the issue. Could you please share the logs? Do you see any errors?

  4. Adolfo Casari reporter

    Sorry, after forcing a reindexing it's displaying OK. Just a comment, in the screenshot for the 2nd and 3rd issue is showing "due today", but actually the 3rd is due today (due date 04/Mar/2014).

    ScreenHunter_61 Mar. 04 09.55.jpg

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