Python Link Wrong (Integration page) and add a description for the export option

Issue #31 resolved
Daniel Zoller created an issue

from a user

1) In the section "Python", the "download" link is dead (the link points
). The Instructions <>
link within the same subsection is correct, as far as i could tell.

2) The bibsonomy-python project provides a bookmark exporter
(""); this is not mentioned on , but it should be. When i
arrived at, i simply did a
full-text search for the word "export", and i found the "Bookmark
Exporter" section which refers to a different (Java-based) exporter
project. I didn't initially look any further than that, but if i had, i
would have been disappointed, because none of the occurrences of the
word "export" mention the export functionality of bibsonomy-python

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