Wrong credentials makes plugin unusable

Issue #1018 new
Former user created an issue

Reported by dbe: The following procedure makes the plugin unusable:

1/ enter a wrong API key in the settings dialogue 2/ quit JabRef 3/ start JabRef -> Authentication Exception 4/ settings dialogue is not accessible any more

It seems like the plugin makes a request during startup even when 'auto update tags on startup' is disabled. Maybe to retrieve groups?

Please fix so that users have the chance to enter their correct authentication information.

Comments (3)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Commented by shl: I have the same problem. Is there already a workaround?


  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Commented by funthomas424242: Yeepi, there is a workaround! You must rename the file BibsonomyProperties.txt to BibsonomyProperties.txt-old at the jabref install folder.

    Now you can edit the settings.

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