tag-cloud im me-user-mode

Issue #893 new
Former user created an issue

Reported by thorade: Im me-user-mode enthält die tag-cloud in der Standard-Konfiguration immer die ersten (alphabetisch) 50 Einträge. Ich sehe keine Möglichkeit, die Einträge 51-xx in die tag-cloud zu laden.

Ein besserer default-Wert wäre vermutlich die 50 am meisten verwendeten tags zu laden statt der 50 alphabetisch ersten.

Comments (2)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Commented by thorade: Ok, so in the JabRef folder there is a file BibsonomyProperties.txt and it looks like a configuration file for the plugin, but the file will be overwritten with the default values on the startup of JabRef+plugin.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Commented by thorade: Ok, so in the JabRef folder there is a file BibsonomyProperties.txt and it looks like a configuration file for the plugin, but the file will be overwritten with the default values on the startup of JabRef+plugin.

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