Empty fields in followers table

Issue #1071 resolved
Former user created an issue

Reported by dbe: Somehow it occured that we have users who follow an 'empty' user:

mysql> select * from followers where f_user_name=''; +--------------+---------------+-------------+---------------------+ | followers_id | user_name | f_user_name | fellowship_date | +--------------+---------------+-------------+---------------------+ | 1906 | xxx | | 2009-07-30 09:10:20 | | 1913 | xxx | | 2009-08-01 16:45:32 | | 1967 | xxx | | 2009-08-14 10:02:15 | | 2017 | xxx | | 2009-09-04 08:57:27 | | 2033 | xxx | | 2009-09-09 08:50:07 | | 2044 | xxx | | 2009-09-12 09:10:40 | | 2207 | xxx | | 2009-10-09 13:45:18 | | 2219 | xxx | | 2009-10-17 03:42:55 | | 2285 | xxx | | 2009-11-02 12:20:44 | | 2418 | xxx | | 2009-11-30 03:53:29 | | 2558 | xxx | | 2010-02-12 08:11:35 | | 2561 | xxx | | 2010-02-14 06:12:59 | +--------------+---------------+-------------+---------------------+

This empty user cannot be deleted via the 'delete' link within the followers list. Please check how this can happen and fix.

Comments (6)

  1. Stephan Doerfel

    Die leeren Follower gibt es noch. Wenn die Follower/Sphere-GEschichte resolved ist, muss das mit bedacht werden.

  2. Daniel Zoller
    • changed milestone to 3.7.0
    • edited description

    We have to check which functions are still writing to followers one and why they are not writing to the new general spheres table

  3. Daniel Zoller

    empty fields will be removed from the friends table with version 3.7.0

    we have already added checks to ensure that the target user exists

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