BibTeX import: Allow more than one character as tag separator

Issue #1098 open
Former user created an issue

Reported by keinstein: Hi,

I'm using BibDesk (a Mac OS X program) to organize my Bibliographic database. This program has a somewhat relaxed separarator handling. In the preferences I can select a set of characters, which shall be treated as keyword separators and a string, which will be used, when keywords are added by the software.

The default Values are: New separator: „, “ Allowed separators: „,;“

As you can see, the software will recognize both „,“ and „;“ as separators by default. But Bibsonomy does only allow for either „,“ or „;“ in the import form. Is it possible to implement a similar behaviour?

Comments (3)

  1. Robert Jäschke

    This would probably be nice, but make the interface more difficult. We will see, if we can implement this in the future.

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