system:relevantFor:group should work like sys:relevantFor:group

Issue #1206 open
Stephan Doerfel created an issue

To indicate, that a post is relevant for a group "GROUP", we can tag it with "sys:relevantFor:GROUP" or select "GROUP" in the relevantFor-Box. The latter option just tags the post with "sys:relevantFor:GROUP". Tagging the post with "system:relevantFor:GROUP" however has no effect.

Since all other systemTags work with with either Prefix ("sys" or "system") the relevantFor tag should too.

Comments (18)

  1. Stephan Doerfel reporter

    The problem is, that this is handled like a regular "By Tag"-Query. Thus only the tags that are exactly like the automatically added query tag sys:relevantFor:GROUP fit the query's condition. Solutions:

    • Implement an extra Chain-Element for relevantFor with extra mysql queries.
    • Rewrite the user's tags (could be part of the ForGroupTag's pre-create tasks)
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