Problem with quotation at the beginning of a title

Issue #1412 new
Former user created an issue

Reported by droessler: A quote sign at the beginning of a title merge with the next character to an umlaut, if this character is a vowel.


Comments (4)

  1. Robert Jäschke

    I wonder what sense it makes to put a quote at the beginning of a title ...

    But anyway: this probably happens at other places inside the title. The key message is: we don't alter the title, it is stored as entered by the user. Some export pages clean the content from LaTeX characters such that they don't look ugly. This is intended and indeed requested by many users.

    For now I would suggest to not enter quote signs into the fields (I'm still not sure where they are necessary). On the long term we could make LaTeX cleansing optional (even at import).

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Commented by droessler: The sense: It's just the case if you have a quotation at the beginning of a title... Anyway: The first step to the solution is to understand. So I can explain the problem when users ask me.

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