the wrong number of the post on clipboard is shown

Issue #1645 resolved
Former user created an issue

Reported by kibanov: On the main page the wrong number of the post on clipboard is shown. After clicking on other pages, I got the right number back. It can't be a cache record as I never got 21 posts (there was always only one!)

Comments (13)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Commented by kibanov: Found the reason: clicking "pick all" on the function menu causes to clear the number of posts on the clipboard, and clicking "unpick all" causes them to appear there (although the do not exist). It should work vice versa as far as I understand.

  2. Robert Jäschke

    Michael, that error can hopefully easily be fixed: the post number is updated in the wrong way when using the "pick all" / "unpick all" function. Can you please check? Thanks!

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    (Un-)Pick all didn't work at all. Now that they are working again I encountered no errors regarding the clipboard counter.

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