create a JabRef/CSL layout that looks like

Issue #1856 open
Robert Jäschke created an issue

I really like the way the publications are presented there, in particular how the abstract and the preview images are included. Can we do something similar with JabRef layouts/CSL?

Comments (8)

  1. Robert Jäschke reporter

    Attached you can find an initial version. html.layout is intended for articles (i.e., html.article.layout). You should find a good name for the layout, fix the missing parts, and add layouts for other content types (use the Harvard layout as an example on how to arrange ). Including the documents (and their previews) is not so simple, since they are not converted by the JabRefConverter. It is also questionable, if this makes sense, since they are typically not publicly available. We should discuss this.

  2. Robert Jäschke reporter

    Thanks for the new layout! It looks already pretty good, here are my suggestions for improvement:

    1. Line breaks in titles/text are converted to <p> and appear on the page. e.g., have a look at
    2. Spaces before commas should be removed, e.g., have a look at this example:
    3. Preview images don't work and the link to the documents seems to be broken. Maybe the JabRefModelConverter (or how it is called) must be extended to include information about the documents?
    4. Some publications have a volume but no number - then their should not appear an empty pair of braces "()" after the volume (see
    5. What is the difference between the link at [pdf] and at the metadata? It seems to be always the same?! It also seems, that if no url exists, the link just points to the current page which should also be avoided - if the post has no link, then no link should be rendered.
    6. I think the ISBN should be removed. It's not so helpful and does not look good. The DOI would be more helpful - could you add it as [doi] if it exists?

    That's it for now. I am aware that some problems might be limitations of the JabRefLayout itself - please let me know what you can fix and what is currently not possible.


  3. Former user Account Deleted

    1.) The HTMLChars-Formatter converts Linebrakes to <p> and AntiScriptInjection converts this to <p> which then appears on the page. I'm currently not sure how to solve this properly (and efficient). I could simply make a Formatter which deletes <p> before anything else, but the question for me is, if we should use the HTMLChars Formatter in first place. 2.) The Layout-Source-Files are now a pain to look at, but.. Fixed! 3.) Will have a look at it later the week. 4.) You currently can't put a "print only if exists" inside of another one, so i could let "number" show up independently from volume, delete it, or have a look at the Layout-Renderer if its possible to add this functionality. 5.) I removed the Link at metadata. [pdf] now only shows up if "url" exists. 6.) Done.

  4. Robert Jäschke reporter

    Thanks for the detailed report!

    1. This is indeed a bigger issue which is not easy to solve. I had a look at the HTMLChars-Formatter and think we definitely want to use it. I guess AntiScriptInjection was written recently by us because I could not find it in my source tree? My suggestion would be to integrate the code from AntiScriptInjection into the HTMLChars-Formatter class. Let me know, if you are able and willing to do this.
    2. Great, looks much better now! Do the layout files support comments? Maybe you can use comments to glue lines together? At least for JSPs this always worked. BTW: there should be a space between volume and (number)
    3. OK.
    4. Can't you just put the number into the volume part such that the number appears only, if the volume is set (and the number)? Something like: <if has:Volume><out Volume><if has:Number><out Number></if></if> If there is a number but no volume, then the number would not be shown which would not be a problem.
    5. Thanks, looks good now.
    6. I don't see the DOI for Could you add it like [doi: <a href="$post.resource.misc.doi">$post.resource.misc.doi</a>]? (Maybe it does not work because you can not access the misc fields?)
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