Add option to send a document to an email address (e.g. Kindle) [Probeaufgabe]

Issue #1943 open
Stephan Doerfel created an issue

Owners of a Kindle can send documents (e.g. pdf files) to the device by attaching it to an email and sending it to a special "kindle-email adress". Implement

  • a new User-Setting that contains an email address
  • a new user-Setting that contains a default "Subject" for the email (e.g. convert to send pdfs converted to kindle)
  • a button on the publication details page for each document, that sends a mail to the users email adress
  • a button in the posting dialogue that also sends uploaded documents to a user
  • a new option on the batch-edit-posts page that forwards all documents of own posts via that email.

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