CVWiki: Create a WikiTag for a TagCloud

Issue #1971 resolved
Thomas Niebler created an issue

In the CVWiki, a user can insert any kind of information about herself. Please also implement a <tagcloud minfreq="..." style="..." tags="..." /> WikiTag to display a TagCloud in the CVWiki. The file tagcloud.tagx can provide guidance on how these tags are loaded.

Comments (12)

  1. Ibrahim Mahmoud

    Completed. Can be found under [ibrahim] branch. Usage examples: <tagcloud minfreq="1" style="tagcloud" tags="brain" sort="alpha" type="publications" /> <tagcloud minfreq="1" style="tagcloud" sort="alpha" type="bookmarks" /> <tagcloud minfreq="3" style="taglist" tags="brain" sort="freq" />

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