publication details page: pdf.js document preview does not work

Issue #2013 open
Sebastian Böttger created an issue

pdf.js does not work on BibLicious server. Please fix it.

Comments (7)

  1. Michael Velimirov

    This is due to the local pom not reflecting the recent needed changes to it. The file "pdfworker.js" is not deployed due to causing an error while being parsed by the compressor plugin. It has to be omitted by the parser.

  2. Daniel Zoller

    It has to be omitted by the parser. and that is the problem here, because all excluded javascripts by the compressor, will not be added to the war. We can not modify warSourceExcludes because it does not support regex. Currently the only possible solution is to add a suffix to the minified files and write a tag file that checks if the min file exists. (see StyleSheetTag).

  3. Sebastian Böttger reporter

    The pdf.js and pdfworker.js files are absolutely necessary to enable pdf preview. Is there a possibility to add these files manually?

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