improve visibility of important metadata about a publication in post list views

Issue #2258 open
Robert Jäschke created an issue

Currently, it is very difficult to identify the type of publication, the journal, and even the publication year in post list views:


This impedes search and analysis of publications. Thus, I suggest to improve at least the following aspects of posts rendered in post lists:

  1. Ensure that the year of a publication is always visible.
  2. Abbreviate the first name of authors.
  3. Provide more complete metadata (e.g., journal, booktitle) as mouseover info.

This is also related to issues #2256 and #2257.

Comments (6)

  1. Robert Jäschke reporter
    • changed status to open

    I think this is really crucial to make the new layout useable. At the moment it's one of the main reasons why I don't use the new layout (besides it's incompatibility with my browser version).

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