Implement "Inspected" Flag for Community Posts

Issue #2314 resolved
Former user created an issue

Community posts (formelrly called gold standard posts) are publication posts which do not belong to a specific user. Instead they can be changed by everyone. Publication data of community posts is stored in a separate database table 'gold_standard'. A history of these entries is kept track of in the table 'log_gold_standard'. Some specific users however, such as librarians, are further allowed to set a flag on a community post version that marks the posts as having being inspected (or approved) by someone who knows what a hich quality post should look like.

This task is implementing the 'inspected feature' via:

  • an additional tinyint field in the database tables (0 for non-inspected, 1 for inspected)
  • a marker on the front end whether the post has been inspected. The marker can be toggled by users having a specific right.
  • The respective right is given via methods hasRight(User u, UserRight right) / ensureRight(User u, UserRight right) in PermissionDatabaseManager which are to be created with a first dummy implementation such that only users with the role admin are given this right. ensureRight throws an exception if the user does not have the right.
  • the toggle button / checkbox is visible on the publication details page and on editPublication
  • a change of the flag triggers a regular updatePost method on the LogicInterface

Comments (8)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    I fixed some errors and it appears to run now.

    The following still needs to be done:

    • in the controller, there seems to be no check whether the user is allowed approve. It should ask PermissionDatabaseManager via a new method isAllowedToApprove
    • checks like this should also rely on the same PermissionDatabaseManager method: <c:if test="${not empty postApproval and command.context.loginUser.role eq 'ADMIN'}">
    • on the history page, there should be an indicator when a version has been approved
    • the approved icon should have a left-margin. (I like 6px)
    • goldstandard bookmarks should be approvable too (minor)

    Nasim, can you do this please?

  2. Stephan Doerfel

    Regarding these issues:

    • The new group-level-permission concept will be available as soon as we have merged the groups branch into default (very soon). Then we can check wether a user is allowed to makr a post as "inspected" by querying the loginUser object.
    • The PermissionDatabaseManager should also check that
    • Please do not have controllers use DatabaseManager directly (only through the logic interface if necessary)
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