posting from HTTPS URL results in "you already have this post in your collection"

Issue #2331 resolved
Robert Jäschke created an issue

When posting with the bookmarklet from a HTTPS URL (e.g., the browser is not redirected back to that URL after posting but the edit post dialog re-appears with a message "you already have that post in your collection".

Why does this happen and how can it be repaired?

Comments (6)

  1. Daniel Zoller

    We had a issue already for this problem, but i can't find it anymore (maybe marked as won't fix in the old issue tracker and than not migrated to this one).

    We are redirecting the user after the posting using the referer of the request. According to

     Clients SHOULD NOT include a Referer header field in a (non-secure)
       HTTP request if the referring page was transferred with a secure

    Some pages could work because they set the meta referrer on their web site ( and the user used a browser supporting this meta tag.

    I would recommend a fix in our Controller logic ala if referer not present and provided url starts with https:// use the provided url as referer.

    Another option would be to include the referer as parameter when posting posts but than we have to adapt our (extension) buttons.

  2. Robert Jäschke reporter

    The problem got worse: currently, after saving the post, I am redirected back to the post edit field, without editing my stored post and without the warning. Instead, I get the form filled with the data from the scraper and not my stored post (e.g., my tags are missing, the BibTeX key is the original one). Try this with

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