[groups] Add database representation of group description

Issue #2357 resolved
Thomas Niebler created an issue

It would be nice to have a description for a group. We need the fields in the database for that as well as representation in code and view.

Comments (10)

  1. Robert Jäschke

    Since each group is a user, we have the fields in the user table (and the wiki). Isn't this sufficient?

  2. Thomas Niebler reporter

    A user has no description. One could misuse the "interests" field or something similar of the group's dummy user for that. And the group objects are in fact no user objects, neither is there an easy connection between the dummy user and the group object.

  3. Robert Jäschke

    The 'profession' field would also be fine. Anyway: where do you need this information? I think this is also relevant for a decision on how to implement this.

  4. Thomas Niebler reporter

    I would include this in a separate section in the sidebar on a groups page, if you e.g. look at /groups/kde, you see a short description (500 chars?!) what this group is about.

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