[groups] adapt messages

Issue #2366 resolved
Daniel Zoller created an issue

Join Group:

  • Currently: "To join a group you must send a request to the group admin." this should be group moderators
  • joinGroup.already.request.error error message

Join Group success

fix message: "Your request to join the group testgroup2 has been forwarded to the groups administrator."

User Settings Tab:

missing keys:

  • settings.group.pendingRequests
  • settings.group.remRequest.button (rename to settings.group.removeRequest)
  • settings.group.remRequest.button.title (rename to settings.group.removeRequest.title)

Comments (13)

  1. Thomas Niebler

    group.settings.header (maybe rename that to settings.group.header) navi.groupsettings settings.group.profileInfo settings.group.realname settings.group.homepage settings.group.joinRequests

  2. Mario Holtmüller

    I did most of the things mentioned.

    The only 2 things I'm not sure about are the first two things. Join group and join group success. What should I do? As far as I understood a join request can now be sent by simply clicking join in the group overview and not by sending mails right?

    What's wrong with the joinGroup.already.member.error?

    Join Group success

    fix message: "Your request to join the group testgroup2 has been forwarded to the groups administrator." What's wrong with this message?

  3. Thomas Niebler

    What Daniel meant, was that there already partially exist messages and we need to adapt them to the new layout. Take a look at http://localhost:8080/joinGroup?group=<insertGroupnameHere>. As for now, also moderators can accept join requests to groups.

    joinGroup.already.request.error seems to be missing (occurs when you send a join request to the same group while having another one pending)

    Join Group Success should at least mention the groups moderators.

  4. Thomas Niebler

    Also, please adapt settings.group.profileInfo according to settings.profileInfo. This message occurs on the group profile page in the group settings

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