[groups] Check if joinGroup and add member to group works using the old layout

Issue #2375 resolved
Daniel Zoller created an issue

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Comments (14)

  1. Mario Holtmüller

    I have a couple of questions:

    • Where do I see group invites within the old layout?

    The following pictutes shows the current situation: --> tester02 is invited into the group by tester01 --> tester03 tried to join the group using the old layout group_settings.png

    When tester03 tried to join the group (by clicking the join button within the groups overview) an error page appears join_group.png

    Within the old layout I get no feedback what is going on. The settings page within the new layout states, that there is a pending request now invite_pending.png

    The group settings page within the old layout is empty group_settings_old_layout.png

    Tester02 tried to join the group within the old layout (same as tester03 before). The error states "You already are a member of this group." This is not true. Tester02 only has a pending invite into the group. The invite is not accapted by clicking the join.

  2. Thomas Niebler

    Hello Mario,

    this is already pretty nice. In the old layout, we had no such things as group invites or group requests. Users only could request to join a group (which was sent as a mail to the group user who represented the group). You can still see the old layout on www.bibsonomy.org or on www.biblicious.org. Please take these pages as a starting point and make sure that the corresponding tasks still work in the old layout. If they don't work, please list the pages and functions here so we may work on them.

    Cheers Thomas

  3. Thomas Niebler

    Update from @hotho: If something does not work in the old layout, please replace that with a hint to use the new layout, as we do not want to put much effort into the old layout anymore and want to motivate users to migrate to the new, better layout.

  4. Mario Holtmüller

    As I reported to Thomas I hade following error:

    1. go to --> /groups
    2. click on join group
    3. fill in a reason
    4. message appears "Your request to join the group tester01grp has been forwarded to the groups administrator." .............

    Repeat 1-2 --> error page appears

  5. Daniel Zoller reporter

    you can't request to join a group a second time, it seems that a message is missing. please check.

  6. Mario Holtmüller

    Can we find out if a person that wants to join has a pending invite? At the moment people get the "joinGroup.already.request.error" in the old layout when they try to join a group they are invited in.

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