New group settings: no error message appears while trying to invite a non-existing user.

Issue #2406 resolved
Sebastian Böttger created an issue

No description provided.

Comments (6)

  1. Daniel Zoller

    I would suggest to add a dirty param redirect fix ala (&errormessage=KEY). Ok, the user can change the message, but for now this is ok, because we must find a better solution to deal with these errors (e.g. setting pages also have this "problem"; our current solution is too work-intensive), Maybe the FlashAttributes introduced in Spring 3 are a solution for our problem.

  2. Thomas Niebler

    I at least added the error messages for now, I'll work on the param redirect fix today evening.

  3. Stephan Doerfel

    the particular issue is resolved. Daniel, would you like to create a proposal for a more general approach to a new workflow -- like indicated in your comment?

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