[groups] publication reporting settings in group admin view

Issue #2418 resolved
Sebastian Böttger created an issue

The publication reporting settings which are only relevant for PUMA are shown in group settings for group admins. Furthermore the layout of this input form is broken.

Bildschirmfoto 2015-02-19 um 14.56.24.png

Comments (8)

  1. Thomas Niebler

    If the publication settings are shown, depends on the


    key in the properties file. On BibLicious, this is already set. I CAN add a check if the running instance name contains something with Puma, otherwise this part of the issue needs more clarification. This check was already present when I started editing the page.

  2. Thomas Niebler

    OK, so this is a layout fix. Is there anything else about this issue? @seboettg I'm looking at you ;)

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