bulk-import: incorrect import of keywords from bibtex format?

Issue #2883 invalid
Alberto Gallardo created an issue

I’ve used Zotero to build a list of references. I have exported them to bibtex, and imported them into bibsonomy. The keywords are interpreted as separated with whitespaces instead of commas, thus resulting in tags that have a comma in their name:

Notice that bibsonomy already alerts in this case if using single item import:

I would expect bibsonomy to import keywords as comma separated values as per default biblatex configuration:

http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex/doc/biblatex.pdf, p.29:

keywords: field (separated values)

A separated list of keywords. These keywords are intended for the bibliography filters (see §§ 3.7.2 and 3.13.4), they are usually not printed. Note that with the default separator (comma), spaces around the separator are ignored.

Comments (4)

  1. Alberto Gallardo reporter

    Thanks! I have also found it now, just after you have changed the issue status! 😳 Sorry for the noise

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