"dangling character" with ACM URL

Issue #2931 resolved
Robert Jäschke created an issue

Trying to scrape https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3057270?casa_token=mPBYc531gWQAAAAA:wsK9s3D5zEawRFFEl4Ae1EwZL2SyOWOmNQmwzfYf0pQHHYVbmLd__IZsleqSP0WK5HH5ZapmgUXV

leads me to this URL

https://www.bibsonomy.org/BibtexHandler?requTask=upload&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdl.acm.org%2Fdoi%2Fabs%2F10.1145%2F3057270%3Fcasa_token%3DmPBYc531gWQAAAAA%3AwsK9s3D5zEawRFFEl4Ae1EwZL2SyOWOmNQmwzfYf0pQHHYVbmLd__IZsleqSP0WK5HH5ZapmgUXV&description=Current State of Text Sentiment Analysis from Opinion to Emotion Mining | ACM Computing Surveys&selection=

which shows this error:

Could not scrape the URL https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3057270?casa_token=mPBYc531gWQAAAAA:wsK9s3D5zEawRFFEl4Ae1EwZL2SyOWOmNQmwzfYf0pQHHYVbmLd__IZsleqSP0WK5HH5ZapmgUXV. Message was: java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Dangling meta character '?' near index 0

Comments (2)

  1. Til Barthel

    It should already be fixed in the master branch. I don’t have a running bibsonomy instance, so i can’t test it directly. Instead i tested it with


    and it threw the same error, but if i do the same with a scrapingservice instance from the master branch i don’t get the error and the correct Bibtex.

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