WorldCat Encoding Problems

Issue #2933 new
Til Barthel created an issue

For the url

the scraping-result is:

abstract = {Fournit une vue d'ensemble de la programmation des ordinateurs Macintosh fonctionnant sous Mac OS X Leopard en quatorze chapitres : Frameworks; Architecture multi plate-forme; Outils Apple; D??veloppements UNIX et open source; Java; WebKit; Dashboard; AppleScript; AppleScript studio; Cocoa; Structures de base d'une application Cocoa; Interactions avec une application Cocoa; Animations Coca et applications hybrides; Automator. [SDM].},
address = {Paris},
author = {Vautherin, ??tienne},
isbn = {9782100500765 2100500767 9782100500765},
publisher = {Dunod},
refid = {1131498092},
title = {Mac OS X programmation : version 10.5 Leopard, WebKit, Cocoa, AppleScript, Dashboard, Core-animation--},
url = {},
year = {2007}

The problem is that some characters are exchanged with a "?". For example the author-field should be “Vautherin, Étienne” but is ”Vautherin, ??tienne”.

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