Typo3 Error

Issue #2951 new
Former user created an issue

Reconfigured the Typo3 plugin for Bibsonomy four days ago. Worked fine and as expected. Today every page that includes a plugin leads to a Typo3 error with the message:
Call to a member function getXmlSource() on null
Example: https://se.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/software-engineering-group/publications/

Comments (1)

  1. Kevin Choong


    it seemed like the previous deployed version of the plugin, had a major error with how it stored and loaded the configurations.
    Due to that old configurations weren’t editable anymore.
    I have send out a new version of the plugin to deal with this issue. I have warned about this aftereffect, but with the fix the latest edited instances of the plugin can´t be currently restored and have to be edited again.
    I apologize for the inconvenience having to configure the instances multiple times.

    Could you check, if editing the example instance you linked once again and if it works fine as before?

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