Sorting resource lists in the REST API

Issue #39 resolved
Thomas Niebler created an issue

Jan-Henrik Göbbert wrote:

Is it possible to sort using the bibsonomy API, too? Like: > This would be great.

Please check if the functionality already exists and in this case, why it doesn't work. If it's not working although it should, update the kind of issue to "Bug".

Comments (2)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Since there has not been such a functionality, I implemented it.

    The interface is:


    as known from sorting user's posts.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    This is great. If this wiki is also read by the Typo3-Plugin developer: By any chance is it possible to add this sorting to the "Content Selection" Tab.

    We enabled sorting by year in the "Layout" Tab, but for each year the publications are displayed in random order. This probably can be changed if the new sortPage=(author|title|year|...) while grabbing the JSON data from bibsonomy.

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