add existing html export to bookmark list

Issue #855 resolved
Former user created an issue

Reported by sven: add next to RSS and XML Buttons at top of bookmark list.

Some comments to exported html format

I think the export format would be more flexible if the following changes were made:

add link as anchor reference to title of bookmark and add behind this the optional description. surround each bookmark with own div with named css-class. further, surround description also with a div element and another css-class. With this, you give an user a lot of lexibility in formatting the output.

Here an example:

<html> <head> <title>BibSonomy</title> <link href="/resources/css/prolearn.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/></head>

<body> <h1>bookmarks</h1>

<div class="bibsonomy-bookmarkitem"> <a href="">foo2zjs: a linux printer driver for ZjStream protocol</a> <div>optional descripion of bookmark</div> </div>

<div class="bibsonomy-bookmarkitem"> <a href=",1561,1561">Setting up 2200 in ubuntu 8.10</a> <div>optional descripion of bookmark</div> </div>

</body> </html>

Comments (3)

  1. Robert Jäschke

    Hi Dominik,

    Ich habe die Aufgabe an Dich verteilt, weil Du am schnellsten den Link oben in das Rädchen-Menü für die Bookmarks einbauen kannst. Die restlichen Ideen, da überlasse ich Dir, ob Du da etwas machen möchtest. Ansonsten kannst Du das ja dem Sven zuweisen. ;-)

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