set up a public maven repository

Issue #934 resolved
Robert Jäschke created an issue

We need a (public!) alternative for our Maven2 repository It shall reside under and be accessible from outside.


  1. Find out, which of the libraries that are not cached on the current repository are needed for what and which libraries can be removed (important candidates: com/sun/jndi and com/sun/xml/bind/jaxb-xjc). Ask Dominik or Robert, if you need help.

  2. Set up a Maven2 Repository and embedd it into

  3. Move the necessary libraries to the new repository. Ensure, that their source code is available, too (typically, their license requires that).

  4. Move the existing public BibSonomy Releases from to the new repository.

  5. Change the POMs to use that repository.

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