issue with loading a dicom file

Issue #191 invalid
ahmed omer created an issue

Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF931EC9E08 in xViewer.DICOM.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: imebra::StreamOpenError at memory location 0x000000E24DBCEE18.

with sample code as recommended:

std::unique_ptr<imebra::DataSet> loadedDataSet(imebra::CodecFactory::load("D:\Development C++\DICOM\Data\Sample Echo 2\2.1\DICOM\TOSHIBA\20170519\120856\1209010020.dcm",2048));

I am using VS 2015

I tried multiple files. Your help will be appreciated

Comments (9)

  1. ahmed omer reporter

    I copy the wrong example. I did the second slash for escape as shown here. I also tried different files form different vendors.

    std::unique_ptr<imebra::DataSet> loadedDataSet(imebra::CodecFactory::load("D:\Development C++\DICOM\Data\Sample Echo 2\2.1\DICOM\TOSHIBA\20170519\120856\1209010020.dcm",2048));

    any other suggestion

  2. Paolo Brandoli repo owner

    Is there a double backslash also between DICOM and Data? In the comments I see only the markdown rendered text (always one backslash, even when there are 2)

  3. ahmed omer reporter

    imebra error.png

    this is what I have so far. error is happening at this line FileStreamInput file(fileName); in codeFactory.cpp

  4. ahmed omer reporter

    Sorry showing the wrong sample. my original try was less deep folder (at root). I fix the slash and I am 100% sure it is not the slash.

    I move a file to temp and tried it still not working. I am sorry again I was keep showing you the wrong sample.

    This is my current folder std::unique_ptr<imebra::DataSet> loadedDataSet(imebra::CodecFactory::load("D:\TEMP\1209130687.dcm", 2048));

  5. ahmed omer reporter

    After I downloaded latest version my loading issue is no longer there. I have a question. I can see how to read each data value by supplying the imebra::TagId, then checking if tag exist and after that retrieve data.

    is it possible to loop through dataset/groups and then check each item in each group, check type by getDataType, if it is sequence go deep, otherwise read the value and description of that tag?

    Sorry my ignorance, but I can only see how to get data tag by tag.

    I am looking how this will help us which may lead acquiring a licence

    Thanks for your help

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