Alveries with electrical stimulators doing genetic damage

Issue #218 new
drachs created an issue

I've been playing with your mods for a long time and I've always really enjoyed them, thank you for writing them.

I have lately been using alvearies with one gearbox and one electrical stimulator with a single circuit board inside with four diamantine tubes on it to stimulate production.

I set up four new alvearies last week, and two of them have suddenly started killing queens. All four are set up the same way as described above and contain the same bees. They are all connected to each other and automated via ender io conduits.

It didn't start happening right away, but at one point yesterday it was happening so consistently that it would mark the queen ignoble after a single bee lifetime tick. In order to make it stop, I had to completely remove the alvearies, reboot the server, and set them back up. Unfortunatly after a few hours the two hatcheries marked the bees ignoble again.

I'm not real clear on what the limit is supposed to be for electrical stimulators, so I don't actually know if killing the bees is the bug or not killing the bees is the bug. I know the safe limits for frames are well understood at 16x multiplier, and your wiki says the diamantine tubes are 250% a piece and limited to 10x. In game (Feed the beast infinite 1.3.4) they read as 150% multiplier. I have tried with less tubes and was still encountering the issue. I think I even reproduced it without any circuit board at all at one point.

The issue didn't happen when I removed the circuit board and the gearbox from the alvearies for about half an hour, but I've had the issue go away for hours before so that's not really difinitive. I'm going to have to set up a quarry for more queens soon in order to keep testing.

If you could please offer me some guidance about how it's supposed to be set up, it would be great if I could put them into a "common" configuration. I'm happy to help reproduce the problem in any way. I am a software developer, so I normally just go hunting for these bugs myself, but I assume your source code must be private as I couldn't find it online.

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