Ocean bees not breedable in actual ocean biome

Issue #226 open
Former user created an issue

I cannot get an Ocean bee despite putting the apiary in a vanilla ocean biome. The database shows 0% chance and I can't seem to get it to mutate using nova frames. Same issue happens with Heroic bees and forest biomes, Rural and plains biomes, however Sinister can be bred in Nether just fine.

Comments (5)

  1. René Mütterlein


    I have the latest version (pre11) installed and then 2 full days trying to breed a bee-Ocean - to no avail ... There are more and only water or DILLIGENT out from breeding. The problem is therefore, unfortunately, still ...

    I have almost 100 experiments done - without the slightest success ... At least now I have a lot of drones, which I "disassemble" in DNS can

  2. Alex Binnie repo owner

    Well I've set up an apiary in an ocean biome with water drones and diligent princesses, and I seem to get ocean bees normally. Is it definitely the correct biome (i.e. not a beach or river)? What mods do you have?

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