lumbermill ticking entity crash

Issue #236 new
surenakitten created an issue

ok so i was working on a lil biomass set up before i went to bed last night on a private server with my wife. woke up to her saying that she had to roll back the server because it was crashing on start up from and ticking entity error on the lumber mill.

before i had went to bed i had it hooked up to a ender io generator with energy conduit from the generator to the bottom of the lumber mill than had a few pieces of dark wood logs from biomes o' plenty in it but had not hooked up the water to it yet.

sadly she deleted the crash report when she fixed the error, so cant post it here for you ;-;

using binnie-mods-2.0-pre8.jar on the FTB Direwolf20 1.7.10 v1.2.1

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