IChromosomeType.getName() should not return empty strings

Issue #25 resolved
Viktor Pilpenok created an issue

Your flowers return empty string for the chromosome names from IChromosomeType's that are returned from getKaryotype

I want to use the name for display on Samples/Templates in Gendustry.

Comments (5)

  1. Alex Binnie repo owner

    So would you like the unlocalised key then? I can do that. I got used to having my own chromosome name handling because I don't always like the Forestry one

  2. Viktor Pilpenok reporter

    Forestry seems to return this.toString().toLowerCase() so i guess you can follow that.

  3. Alex Binnie repo owner

    Yep, I can do that. Anything else you need at the moment. When I'm closer to release I'll package up the Botany API

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