Lumbermill calculation slows down savegame load

Issue #270 resolved
RoyCurtis created an issue

It appears that the ExtraTrees Lumbermill performs a heavy calculation to determine plank products, every time a dimension is loaded. In modpacks such as Direwolf20, this causes each dimension to take up to 2 seconds to load. In my case, my server with many RFTools and Mystcraft ages incurs a 30 second delay during loading.

Tested on



  1. Launch a modpack with console open
  2. Create a new world and enter it
  3. Allow Minecraft to generate the new world, and then quit to menu
  4. Re-open the newly created world
  5. Observe on the console; when Forge begins loading dimensions (e.g. Loading dimension -42 (world) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@6524cde7)), note the delay of a few seconds for each dimension

Suggested fixes

Ideally, this calculation should only be performed once; either in a different event than onWorldLoad, or by checking if the calculation has already been performed.

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